Uk Withdrawal Agreement Legislation

22 dec

The UK`s withdrawal agreement legislation has been a hotly debated topic since the country voted to leave the European Union in 2016. After years of negotiations, the UK and the EU agreed on a withdrawal agreement in November 2018, which was later ratified by both sides in January 2020.

The UK`s withdrawal agreement legislation covers a wide range of issues, including citizens` rights, the financial settlement, and the Northern Ireland Protocol. Here are some key points to consider when looking at the legislation:

Citizens` Rights

The withdrawal agreement ensures that EU citizens living in the UK, and UK citizens living in the EU, will be able to continue living and working in their current country of residence after Brexit. They will also be able to continue accessing healthcare, education, and other services in their current country of residence.

Financial Settlement

The UK has agreed to pay a financial settlement to the EU as part of the withdrawal agreement. The amount of the settlement is estimated to be around £39 billion, which will cover the UK`s outstanding financial obligations to the EU, such as contributions to the EU budget.

Northern Ireland Protocol

One of the most contentious parts of the withdrawal agreement is the Northern Ireland Protocol. This protocol aims to avoid a hard border between Northern Ireland (which is part of the UK) and the Republic of Ireland (which is an EU member state) by keeping Northern Ireland aligned with certain EU rules and regulations.

The protocol has been controversial because it effectively creates a customs border in the Irish Sea between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK, which some argue undermines the integrity of the UK.

In conclusion, the UK`s withdrawal agreement legislation is complex and covers a wide range of issues. While it has been ratified by both the UK and the EU, there is still much debate and uncertainty around how it will be implemented in practice. It remains to be seen how the legislation will impact the UK`s future relationship with the EU and what the long-term implications will be for citizens, businesses, and the economy.